Getting Started

Before you can begin annotating using, you must create your own unique account.  What follows is a step-by-step description (with visuals) for how to create your account and get started annotating. 

  1.  Create an Account:  Go to the “The Novels” page on the main menu (or any of the Austen novel pages under that banner).  You’ll notice a set of small icons appear in the upper right-hand corner of the page that look like this:


Click on the “<” symbol at the top and a drawer will slide out.  It will look like this:


If you do not already have an account on, click on the red “Sign Up” button and fill in your information.  NOTE:  Please choose a username that is easily recognizable as you.  Once you’ve created an account and logged in, you’re ready to start annotating.

2.  How to Annotate:  Go to the section of the novel you wish to annotate (the drop-down menu under Northanger Abbey will reveal pages that contain the text in increments of 5 chapters each).

  • Use the cursor to highlight the word or passage you want to annotate.
  • Two icons will appear immediately after your highlighted passage.  Click on the caption icon (“New Note”) on the left:


  • A drawer will slide out from the right of the screen showing the passage you’ve highlighted; the cursor will automatically show up in the field where you can write your annotation, which looks like this:


  • Write your annotation into the note field; be sure to complete the process by clicking on the “Add Tags” button and tag your annotation according guidelines specific to the assignment stage we are working on.
  • Images can be added to your annotation as needed by clicking on the “Link” icon in the toolbar, which looks like this:


NOTE:  The link that you paste into the “Link Text” space MUST be a dedicated link to the image itself, not to the website that contains the image.  In Google Images, you can click on the “View original image” link, or right-click to “Copy image URL.”  The URL should be relatively short and end in .jpg, .png, etc.

3.  Experiment!  As you are starting out, I encourage you to mess around and test out various features of the annotation tool.  You can’t break anything, but if you create a muddle you can always click on the “Cancel” button to remove an annotation and start over.
